Uses of Interface

Packages that use Handler

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis

Subinterfaces of Handler in org.apache.axis
 interface Chain
          A Handler that executes a 'chain' of child handlers in order.
 interface TargetedChain

Classes in org.apache.axis that implement Handler
 class AxisEngine
          An AxisEngine is the base class for AxisClient and AxisServer.
 class FaultableHandler
          A FaultableHandler is essentially a wrapper for any other Handler which provides flexible fault handling semantics.
 class SimpleChain
          A Simple Chain is a 'composite' Handler in that it aggregates a collection of Handlers and also acts as a Handler which delegates its operations to the collection.
 class SimpleTargetedChain
          A SimpleTargetedChain has a request handler, a pivot handler, and a response handler (any of which may themselves be chains).

Methods in org.apache.axis that return Handler
 Handler TargetedChain.getRequestHandler()
          Returns the Request handler.
 Handler TargetedChain.getPivotHandler()
          Returns the Pivot Handler.
 Handler TargetedChain.getResponseHandler()
          Returns the Response Handler.
 Handler SimpleTargetedChain.getRequestHandler()
 Handler SimpleTargetedChain.getPivotHandler()
 Handler SimpleTargetedChain.getResponseHandler()
 Handler[] SimpleChain.getHandlers()
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getHandler(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named handler.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getTransport(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named transport.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getGlobalRequest()
          Returns a global request handler.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getGlobalResponse()
          Returns a global response handler.
 Handler[] Chain.getHandlers()
          Get the list of handlers in the chain.
 Handler AxisEngine.getHandler(java.lang.String name)
          Get the Handler for a particular local name.
 Handler AxisEngine.getTransport(java.lang.String name)
          Get the Handler that implements the transport for a local name.
 Handler AxisEngine.getGlobalRequest()
          Get the global request Handler.
 Handler AxisEngine.getGlobalResponse()
          Get the global respones Handler.

Methods in org.apache.axis with parameters of type Handler
 void SimpleChain.addHandler(Handler handler)
 boolean SimpleChain.contains(Handler handler)
 void HandlerIterationStrategy.visit(Handler handler, MessageContext msgContext)
          Visit a handler with a message context.
 void Chain.addHandler(Handler handler)
          Adds a handler to the end of the chain.
 boolean Chain.contains(Handler handler)
          Discover if a handler is in this chain.
static void AxisEngine.normaliseOptions(Handler handler)
          Normalise the engine's options.

Constructors in org.apache.axis with parameters of type Handler
SimpleTargetedChain(Handler handler)
          Constructor for an instance with effectively only a pivot handler.
SimpleTargetedChain(Handler reqHandler, Handler pivHandler, Handler respHandler)
          Constructor which takes real or null request, pivot, and response handlers.
FaultableHandler(Handler workHandler)
          Create a new FaultHandler.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis.client

Classes in org.apache.axis.client that implement Handler
 class AxisClient
          Provides the equivalent of an "Axis engine" on the client side.

Methods in org.apache.axis.client with parameters of type Handler
 void Call.setClientHandlers(Handler reqHandler, Handler respHandler)
          Sets the client-side request and response Handlers.

Uses of Handler in org.apache.axis.handlers

Classes in org.apache.axis.handlers that implement Handler
 class BasicHandler
          BasicHandler is a utility class which implements simple property setting/getting behavior, and stubs out a lot of the Handler methods.
 class DebugHandler
 class EchoHandler
 class ErrorHandler
 class JAXRPCHandler
          Handles JAXRPC style handlers.
 class JWSHandler
          A JWSHandler sets the target service and JWS filename in the context depending on the JWS configuration and the target URL.
 class LogHandler
          A simple Handler which logs the request and response messages to either the console or a specified file (default "axis.log").
 class LogMessage
          This handler simply prints a custom message to the debug log.
 class MD5AttachHandler
 class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
          Just a simple Authentication Handler to see if the user specified in the Bag in the MessageContext is allowed to continue.
 class SimpleAuthorizationHandler
          Just a simple Authorization Handler to see if the user specified in the Bag in the MessageContext is allowed to preform this action.
 class SimpleSessionHandler
          This handler uses SOAP headers to do simple session management.
 class SOAPMonitorHandler
          This handler is used to route SOAP messages to the SOAP monitor service.

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