Uses of Interface

Packages that use Part

Uses of Part in org.apache.axis

Classes in org.apache.axis that implement Part
 class SOAPPart
          The SOAPPart provides access to the root part of the Message which contains the envelope.

Uses of Part in org.apache.axis.attachments

Classes in org.apache.axis.attachments that implement Part
 class AttachmentPart
          An attachment part.

Methods in org.apache.axis.attachments that return Part
 Part MultiPartRelatedInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(java.lang.String[] id)
abstract  Part MultiPartInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(java.lang.String[] id)
 Part MultiPartDimeInputStream.getAttachmentByReference(java.lang.String[] id)
 Part AttachmentsImpl.removeAttachmentPart(java.lang.String reference)
          This method uses getAttacmentByReference() to look for attachment.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
          Adds an existing attachment to this list.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.createAttachmentPart(java.lang.Object datahandler)
 Part AttachmentsImpl.getAttachmentByReference(java.lang.String reference)
          This method should look at a refernce and determine if it is a CID: or url to look for attachment.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.getRootPart()
          From the complex stream return the root part.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.createAttachmentPart()
          Create a new attachment Part in this Message.
 Part Attachments.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
          Adds an existing attachment to this list.
 Part Attachments.removeAttachmentPart(java.lang.String reference)
          This method uses getAttacmentByReference() to look for attachment.
 Part Attachments.getAttachmentByReference(java.lang.String reference)
          This method should look at a refernce and determine if it is a CID: or url to look for attachment.
 Part Attachments.createAttachmentPart(java.lang.Object part)
          Create a new attachment Part in this Message.
 Part Attachments.createAttachmentPart()
          Create a new attachment Part in this Message.
 Part Attachments.getRootPart()
          From the complex stream return the SOAP part.

Methods in org.apache.axis.attachments with parameters of type Part
static javax.activation.DataHandler AttachmentUtils.getActivationDataHandler(Part part)
          Obtain the DataHandler from the part.
 Part AttachmentsImpl.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
          Adds an existing attachment to this list.
 void AttachmentsImpl.setRootPart(Part newRoot)
 Part Attachments.addAttachmentPart(Part newPart)
          Adds an existing attachment to this list.
 void Attachments.setRootPart(Part newRoot)
          Sets the root part of this multipart block

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