Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.apache.axis

Methods in org.apache.axis that throw ConfigurationException
 void EngineConfiguration.configureEngine(AxisEngine engine)
          Configure this AxisEngine using whatever data source we have.
 void EngineConfiguration.writeEngineConfig(AxisEngine engine)
          Read the configuration from an engine, and store it somehow.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getHandler(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named handler.
 org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService EngineConfiguration.getService(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named service.
 org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService EngineConfiguration.getServiceByNamespaceURI(java.lang.String namespace)
          Get a service which has been mapped to a particular namespace.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getTransport(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named transport.
 org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMappingRegistry EngineConfiguration.getTypeMappingRegistry()
          Retrieve the TypeMappingRegistry for this engine.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getGlobalRequest()
          Returns a global request handler.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getGlobalResponse()
          Returns a global response handler.
 java.util.Hashtable EngineConfiguration.getGlobalOptions()
          Returns the global configuration options.
 java.util.Iterator EngineConfiguration.getDeployedServices()
          Get an enumeration of the services deployed to this engine.
 Handler AxisEngine.getGlobalRequest()
          Get the global request Handler.
 Handler AxisEngine.getGlobalResponse()
          Get the global respones Handler.
 void AxisEngine.refreshGlobalOptions()
          (Re-)load the global options from the registry.

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