Uses of Class

Packages that use QName

Uses of QName in javax.xml.namespace

Methods in javax.xml.namespace that return QName
static QName QName.valueOf(java.lang.String s)
          Returns a QName holding the value of the specified String.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.rpc

Methods in javax.xml.rpc that return QName
 QName Service.getServiceName()
          Gets the name of this Service.
 QName Call.getParameterTypeByName(java.lang.String paramName)
          Gets the XML type of a parameter by name.
 QName Call.getReturnType()
          Gets the return type for a specific operation.
 QName Call.getOperationName()
          Gets the name of the operation to be invoked using this Call instance.
 QName Call.getPortTypeName()
          Gets the qualified name of the port type.

Methods in javax.xml.rpc with parameters of type QName
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.createService( wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.createService(QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService( url, QName qname, java.util.Properties properties)
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(QName portName, java.lang.Class serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 Call[] Service.getCalls(QName portName)
          Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, QName operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, java.lang.String operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 boolean Call.isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired(QName operationName)
          Indicates whether addParameter and setReturnType methods are to be invoked to specify the parameter and return type specification for a specific operation.
 void Call.addParameter(java.lang.String paramName, QName xmlType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation.
 void Call.addParameter(java.lang.String paramName, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation.
 void Call.setReturnType(QName xmlType)
          Sets the return type for a specific operation.
 void Call.setReturnType(QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType)
          Sets the return type for a specific operation.
 void Call.setOperationName(QName operationName)
          Sets the name of the operation to be invoked using this Call instance.
 void Call.setPortTypeName(QName portType)
          Sets the qualified name of the port type.
 java.lang.Object Call.invoke(QName operationName, java.lang.Object[] inputParams)
          Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.rpc.encoding

Fields in javax.xml.rpc.encoding declared as QName
static QName XMLType.XSD_STRING
          XSD type for string.
static QName XMLType.XSD_FLOAT
          XSD type for float.
static QName XMLType.XSD_BOOLEAN
          XSD type for boolean.
static QName XMLType.XSD_DOUBLE
          XSD type for double.
static QName XMLType.XSD_INTEGER
          XSD type for integer.
static QName XMLType.XSD_INT
          XSD type for int.
static QName XMLType.XSD_LONG
          XSD type for long.
static QName XMLType.XSD_SHORT
          XSD type for short.
static QName XMLType.XSD_DECIMAL
          XSD type for decimal.
static QName XMLType.XSD_BASE64
          XSD type for base64Binary.
          XSD type for hexBinary.
static QName XMLType.XSD_BYTE
          XSD type for byte.
          XSD type for dateTime.
static QName XMLType.XSD_QNAME
          XSD type for QName.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_STRING
          SOAP type for string.
          SOAP type for boolean.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_DOUBLE
          SOAP type for double.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_BASE64
          SOAP type for base64.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_FLOAT
          SOAP type for float.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_INT
          SOAP type for int.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_LONG
          SOAP type for long.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_SHORT
          SOAP type for short.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_BYTE
          SOAP type for byte.
static QName XMLType.SOAP_ARRAY
          SOAP type for Array.

Methods in javax.xml.rpc.encoding with parameters of type QName
 boolean TypeMapping.isRegistered(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Checks whether or not type mapping between specified XML type and Java type is registered.
 void TypeMapping.register(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType, SerializerFactory sf, DeserializerFactory dsf)
          Registers SerializerFactory and DeserializerFactory for a specific type mapping between an XML type and Java type.
 SerializerFactory TypeMapping.getSerializer(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Gets the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 DeserializerFactory TypeMapping.getDeserializer(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Gets the DeserializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 void TypeMapping.removeSerializer(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Removes the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 void TypeMapping.removeDeserializer(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Removes the DeserializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.rpc.handler

Methods in javax.xml.rpc.handler that return QName
 QName[] HandlerInfo.getHeaders()
          Gets the header blocks processed by this Handler.
 QName[] Handler.getHeaders()
          Gets the header blocks processed by this Handler instance.
abstract  QName[] GenericHandler.getHeaders()
          Gets the header blocks processed by this Handler instance.

Methods in javax.xml.rpc.handler with parameters of type QName
 java.util.List HandlerRegistry.getHandlerChain(QName portName)
          Gets the handler chain for the specified service endpoint.
 void HandlerRegistry.setHandlerChain(QName portName, java.util.List chain)
          Sets the handler chain for the specified service endpoint as a java.util.List.
 void HandlerInfo.setHeaders(QName[] headers)
          Sets the header blocks processed by this Handler.

Constructors in javax.xml.rpc.handler with parameters of type QName
HandlerInfo(java.lang.Class handlerClass, java.util.Map config, QName[] headers)
          Constructor for HandlerInfo.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.rpc.holders

Fields in javax.xml.rpc.holders declared as QName
 QName QNameHolder.value
          The QName contained by this holder.

Constructors in javax.xml.rpc.holders with parameters of type QName
QNameHolder(QName value)
          Make a new QNameHolder with value as the value.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.rpc.soap

Methods in javax.xml.rpc.soap that return QName
 QName SOAPFaultException.getFaultCode()
          Gets the faultcode element.

Constructors in javax.xml.rpc.soap with parameters of type QName
SOAPFaultException(QName faultcode, java.lang.String faultstring, java.lang.String faultactor, Detail detail)
          Constructor for SOAPFaultException.

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis

Fields in org.apache.axis declared as QName
static QName[] Constants.QNAMES_NIL
static QName Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_SENDER
static QName Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_RECEIVER
static QName Constants.FAULT_SUBCODE_BADARGS
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTCODE
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTSTRING
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTACTOR
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTDETAILS
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTCODE_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTVALUE_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTSUBCODE_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTREASON_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_TEXT_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTNODE_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTROLE_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_FAULTDETAIL_SOAP12
static QName Constants.QNAME_NOTUNDERSTOOD
static QName Constants.XSD_STRING
static QName Constants.XSD_BOOLEAN
static QName Constants.XSD_DOUBLE
static QName Constants.XSD_FLOAT
static QName Constants.XSD_INT
static QName Constants.XSD_INTEGER
static QName Constants.XSD_LONG
static QName Constants.XSD_SHORT
static QName Constants.XSD_BYTE
static QName Constants.XSD_DECIMAL
static QName Constants.XSD_BASE64
static QName Constants.XSD_HEXBIN
static QName Constants.XSD_ANYSIMPLETYPE
static QName Constants.XSD_ANYTYPE
static QName Constants.XSD_ANY
static QName Constants.XSD_QNAME
static QName Constants.XSD_DATETIME
static QName Constants.XSD_DATE
static QName Constants.XSD_TIME
static QName Constants.XSD_TIMEINSTANT1999
static QName Constants.XSD_TIMEINSTANT2000
static QName Constants.XSD_TOKEN
static QName Constants.XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG
static QName Constants.XSD_UNSIGNEDINT
static QName Constants.XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT
static QName Constants.XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE
static QName Constants.XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER
static QName Constants.XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER
static QName Constants.XSD_YEARMONTH
static QName Constants.XSD_MONTHDAY
static QName Constants.XSD_YEAR
static QName Constants.XSD_MONTH
static QName Constants.XSD_DAY
static QName Constants.XSD_DURATION
static QName Constants.XSD_NAME
static QName Constants.XSD_NCNAME
static QName Constants.XSD_NMTOKEN
static QName Constants.XSD_NMTOKENS
static QName Constants.XSD_NOTATION
static QName Constants.XSD_ENTITY
static QName Constants.XSD_ENTITIES
static QName Constants.XSD_IDREF
static QName Constants.XSD_IDREFS
static QName Constants.XSD_ANYURI
static QName Constants.XSD_LANGUAGE
static QName Constants.XSD_ID
static QName Constants.XSD_SCHEMA
static QName Constants.XML_LANG
static QName Constants.SOAP_BASE64
static QName Constants.SOAP_BASE64BINARY
static QName Constants.SOAP_STRING
static QName Constants.SOAP_BOOLEAN
static QName Constants.SOAP_DOUBLE
static QName Constants.SOAP_FLOAT
static QName Constants.SOAP_INT
static QName Constants.SOAP_LONG
static QName Constants.SOAP_SHORT
static QName Constants.SOAP_BYTE
static QName Constants.SOAP_INTEGER
static QName Constants.SOAP_DECIMAL
static QName Constants.SOAP_ARRAY
static QName Constants.SOAP_COMMON_ATTRS11
static QName Constants.SOAP_COMMON_ATTRS12
static QName Constants.SOAP_ARRAY_ATTRS11
static QName Constants.SOAP_ARRAY_ATTRS12
static QName Constants.SOAP_ARRAY12
static QName Constants.SOAP_MAP
static QName Constants.SOAP_ELEMENT
static QName Constants.SOAP_DOCUMENT
static QName Constants.SOAP_VECTOR
static QName Constants.MIME_IMAGE
static QName Constants.MIME_PLAINTEXT
static QName Constants.MIME_MULTIPART
static QName Constants.MIME_SOURCE
static QName Constants.MIME_OCTETSTREAM
static QName Constants.MIME_DATA_HANDLER
static QName Constants.QNAME_LITERAL_ITEM
static QName Constants.QNAME_RPC_RESULT
          QName of stack trace element in an axis fault detail.
          QName of exception Name element in an axis fault detail.
          Flag set if this was a runtime exception, rather than something thrown by the class at the end of the chain.
          QName of stack trace element in an axis fault detail.
          QName of a nested fault in an axis fault detail.
          QName of a hostname in an axis fault detail.
          The no-service fault value.

Methods in org.apache.axis that return QName
 QName AxisFault.getFaultCode()
          Get the fault code QName.
 QName[] AxisFault.getFaultSubCodes()
          get the fault subcode list; only used in SOAP 1.2

Methods in org.apache.axis with parameters of type QName
 boolean SimpleChain.canHandleBlock(QName qname)
 OperationDesc[] MessageContext.getPossibleOperationsByQName(QName qname)
          Returns a list of operation descriptors that could may possibly match a body containing an element of the given QName.
 OperationDesc MessageContext.getOperationByQName(QName qname)
          get the first possible operation that could match a body containing an element of the given QName.
 boolean Handler.canHandleBlock(QName qname)
          Indicate if this handler can process qname.
 boolean FaultableHandler.canHandleBlock(QName qname)
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getHandler(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named handler.
 org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService EngineConfiguration.getService(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named service.
 Handler EngineConfiguration.getTransport(QName qname)
          Retrieve an instance of the named transport.
static java.lang.String Constants.getValue(org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes, QName[] search)
          Search an attribute collection for a list of QNames, returning the value of the first one found, or null if none were found.
static boolean Constants.equals(QName first, QName second)
          equals The first QName is the current version of the name.
 void AxisFault.setFaultCode(QName code)
          Set the fault code.
 void AxisFault.addFaultSubCode(QName code)
          Add a fault sub-code.
 void AxisFault.addFaultDetail(QName qname, java.lang.String body)
          Create an element of the given qname and add it to the details.
 org.w3c.dom.Element AxisFault.lookupFaultDetail(QName qname)
          Find a fault detail element by its qname.
 boolean AxisFault.removeFaultDetail(QName qname)
          Find and remove a specified fault detail element.
 void AxisFault.writeDetails(QName qname, org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializationContext context)
          Writes any exception data to the faultDetails.

Constructors in org.apache.axis with parameters of type QName
AxisFault(QName code, java.lang.String faultString, java.lang.String actor, org.w3c.dom.Element[] details)
          Make a fault in any namespace.
AxisFault(QName code, QName[] subcodes, java.lang.String faultString, java.lang.String actor, java.lang.String node, org.w3c.dom.Element[] details)
          Make a fault in any namespace.

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis.client

Methods in org.apache.axis.client that return QName
 QName Stub.getPortName()
          Get the port name.
 QName Service.getServiceName()
          Returns the qualified name of the service (if one is set).
 QName Call.getParameterTypeByName(java.lang.String paramName)
          Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.
 QName Call.getParameterTypeByQName(QName paramQName)
          Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.
 QName Call.getReturnType()
          Returns the QName of the type of the return value of this Call - or null if not set.
 QName Call.getOperationName()
          Returns the operation name associated with this Call object.
 QName Call.getPortName()
          Returns the fully qualified name of the port for this Call object (if there is one).
 QName Call.getPortTypeName()
          Returns the fully qualified name of the port type for this Call object (if there is one).

Methods in org.apache.axis.client with parameters of type QName
 void Stub.setPortName(QName portName)
          Set the port QName.
 Service ServiceFactory.createService( wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
 Service ServiceFactory.createService(QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
 Service ServiceFactory.loadService( wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName, java.util.Properties properties)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service, if available.
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(QName portName, java.lang.Class proxyInterface)
          Return either an instance of a generated stub, if it can be found, or a dynamic proxy for the given proxy interface.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName)
          Creates a new Call object - will prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, java.lang.String operationName)
          Creates a new Call object - will prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, QName operationName)
          Creates a new Call object - will prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 Call[] Service.getCalls(QName portName)
          Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port.
 boolean Call.isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired(QName operationName)
          Is the caller required to provide the parameter and return type specification? If true, then addParameter and setReturnType MUST be called to provide the meta data.
 void Call.addParameter(QName paramName, QName xmlType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void Call.addParameter(QName paramName, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void Call.addParameter(java.lang.String paramName, QName xmlType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void Call.addParameter(java.lang.String paramName, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation.
 void Call.addParameterAsHeader(QName paramName, QName xmlType, ParameterMode parameterMode, ParameterMode headerMode)
          Adds a parameter type as a soap:header.
 void Call.addParameterAsHeader(QName paramName, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode parameterMode, ParameterMode headerMode)
          Adds a parameter type as a soap:header.
 QName Call.getParameterTypeByQName(QName paramQName)
          Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.
 void Call.setReturnType(QName type)
          Sets the return type of the operation associated with this Call object.
 void Call.setReturnType(QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType)
          Sets the return type for a specific operation.
 void Call.setReturnTypeAsHeader(QName xmlType)
          Set the return type as a header
 void Call.setReturnTypeAsHeader(QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType)
          Set the return type as a header
 void Call.setReturnQName(QName qname)
          Set the QName of the return element NOT part of JAX-RPC
 void Call.setOperationName(QName opName)
          Sets the operation name associated with this Call object.
 void Call.setOperation(QName portName, java.lang.String opName)
          prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 void Call.setOperation(QName portName, QName opName)
          prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 void Call.setPortName(QName portName)
          Sets the port name of this Call object.
 void Call.setPortTypeName(QName portType)
          Sets the port type name of this Call object.
 java.lang.Object Call.invoke(QName operationName, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.
 void Call.registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType, org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializerFactory sf, org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerFactory df)
          Register type mapping information for serialization/deserialization Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.
 void Call.registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType, org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializerFactory sf, org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerFactory df, boolean force)
          Register type mapping information for serialization/deserialization Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.
 void Call.registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class sfClass, java.lang.Class dfClass)
          register this type matting
 void Call.registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class sfClass, java.lang.Class dfClass, boolean force)
          register a type.
 void Call.addFault(QName qname, java.lang.Class cls, QName xmlType, boolean isComplex)
          Add a fault for this operation.

Constructors in org.apache.axis.client with parameters of type QName
Service(QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object - this assumes the caller will set the appropriate fields by hand rather than getting them from the WSDL.
Service( wsdlDoc, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document pointed to by the wsdlDoc URL and serviceName parameters.
Service(org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser parser, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document
Service(java.lang.String wsdlLocation, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document pointed to by the wsdlLocation and serviceName parameters.
Service( wsdlInputStream, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document in the wsdlInputStream and serviceName parameters.

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis.description

Methods in org.apache.axis.description that return QName
 QName TypeDesc.getElementNameForField(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Get the QName associated with this field, but only if it's marked as an element.
 QName TypeDesc.getAttributeNameForField(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Get the QName associated with this field, but only if it's marked as an attribute.
 QName TypeDesc.getXmlType()
 QName ParameterDesc.getQName()
 QName ParameterDesc.getTypeQName()
 QName ParameterDesc.getItemQName()
 QName ParameterDesc.getItemType()
 QName OperationDesc.getReturnQName()
 QName OperationDesc.getReturnType()
 QName OperationDesc.getElementQName()
 QName FieldDesc.getXmlName()
          Obtain the XML QName for this field
 QName FieldDesc.getXmlType()
          Returns the XML type (e.g.
 QName FaultDesc.getQName()
 QName FaultDesc.getXmlType()
 QName ElementDesc.getArrayType()
 QName ElementDesc.getItemQName()

Methods in org.apache.axis.description with parameters of type QName
 java.lang.String TypeDesc.getFieldNameForElement(QName qname, boolean ignoreNS)
          Get the field name associated with this QName, but only if it's marked as an element.
 java.lang.String TypeDesc.getFieldNameForAttribute(QName qname)
          Get the field name associated with this QName, but only if it's marked as an attribute.
 void TypeDesc.setXmlType(QName xmlType)
 OperationDesc ServiceDesc.getOperationByElementQName(QName qname)
          Map an XML QName to an operation.
 OperationDesc[] ServiceDesc.getOperationsByQName(QName qname)
          Return all operations which match this QName (i.e.
 void ParameterDesc.setQName(QName name)
 void ParameterDesc.setTypeQName(QName typeQName)
 void ParameterDesc.setItemQName(QName itemQName)
 void ParameterDesc.setItemType(QName itemType)
 void OperationDesc.setReturnQName(QName returnQName)
 void OperationDesc.setReturnType(QName returnType)
 void OperationDesc.setElementQName(QName elementQName)
 void OperationDesc.addParameter(QName paramName, QName xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, byte parameterMode, boolean inHeader, boolean outHeader)
 ParameterDesc OperationDesc.getParamByQName(QName qname)
 ParameterDesc OperationDesc.getInputParamByQName(QName qname)
 ParameterDesc OperationDesc.getOutputParamByQName(QName qname)
 FaultDesc OperationDesc.getFaultByQName(QName qname)
          Returns the FaultDesc for a QName (which is typically found in the details element of a SOAP fault).
 FaultDesc OperationDesc.getFaultByXmlType(QName xmlType)
          Returns the FaultDesc for an XMLType.
 OperationDesc JavaServiceDesc.getOperationByElementQName(QName qname)
          Map an XML QName to an operation.
 OperationDesc[] JavaServiceDesc.getOperationsByQName(QName qname)
          Return all operations which match this QName (i.e.
 void FieldDesc.setXmlName(QName xmlName)
          Set the XML QName for this field
 void FieldDesc.setXmlType(QName xmlType)
          Returns the XML type (e.g.
 void FaultDesc.setQName(QName name)
 void FaultDesc.setXmlType(QName xmlType)
 void ElementDesc.setArrayType(QName arrayType)
 void ElementDesc.setItemQName(QName itemQName)

Constructors in org.apache.axis.description with parameters of type QName
ParameterDesc(QName name, byte mode, QName typeQName)
ParameterDesc(QName name, byte mode, QName typeQName, java.lang.Class javaType, boolean inHeader, boolean outHeader)
          "Complete" constructor, suitable for usage in skeleton code
ParameterDesc(QName name, byte mode, QName typeQName, java.lang.Class javaType)
OperationDesc(java.lang.String name, ParameterDesc[] parameters, QName returnQName)
          "Complete" constructor
FaultDesc(QName qname, java.lang.String className, QName xmlType, boolean complex)
          Full constructor

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis.handlers

Fields in org.apache.axis.handlers declared as QName
static QName SimpleSessionHandler.sessionHeaderName

Methods in org.apache.axis.handlers with parameters of type QName
 boolean BasicHandler.canHandleBlock(QName qname)

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis.message

Methods in org.apache.axis.message that return QName
 QName SOAPFaultCodeBuilder.getFaultCode()
 QName MessageElement.getQName()
          get the fully qualified name of this element
 QName MessageElement.getType()
          get the element's type.

Methods in org.apache.axis.message with parameters of type QName
 void MessageElement.setQName(QName qName)
          set the name and namespace of this element
 void MessageElement.setType(QName qname)
          set the element's type
 java.lang.Object MessageElement.getValueAsType(QName type)
 java.lang.Object MessageElement.getValueAsType(QName type, java.lang.Class cls)
          This is deserialization logic mixed in to our element class.
 void MessageElement.addAttribute(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String localName, QName value)
          add an attribute to the qname vector.
 MessageElement MessageElement.getChildElement(QName qname)
          Convenience method to get the first matching child for a given QName.
 java.util.Iterator MessageElement.getChildElements(QName qname)
          get an iterator over child elements

Constructors in org.apache.axis.message with parameters of type QName
SOAPHeaderElement(QName qname)
SOAPHeaderElement(QName qname, java.lang.Object value)
SOAPBodyElement(QName qname)
SOAPBodyElement(QName qname, java.lang.Object value)
RPCParam(QName qname, java.lang.Object value)
PrefixedQName(QName qname)
MessageElement(QName name)
          constructor declaring the qualified name of the node
MessageElement(QName name, java.lang.Object value)
          constructor declaring the qualified name of the node and its value

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis.soap

Methods in org.apache.axis.soap that return QName
 QName SOAPConstants.getFaultQName()
          Obtain the QName for the Fault element
 QName SOAPConstants.getHeaderQName()
          Obtain the QName for the Header element
 QName SOAPConstants.getBodyQName()
          Obtain the QName for the Body element
 QName SOAPConstants.getRoleAttributeQName()
          Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role)
 QName SOAPConstants.getVerMismatchFaultCodeQName()
          Obtain the Qname of VersionMismatch fault code
 QName SOAPConstants.getMustunderstandFaultQName()
          Obtain the Qname of Mustunderstand fault code
 QName SOAPConstants.getArrayType()
          Obtain the QName of the SOAP array type
 QName SOAP12Constants.getHeaderQName()
 QName SOAP12Constants.getBodyQName()
 QName SOAP12Constants.getFaultQName()
 QName SOAP12Constants.getRoleAttributeQName()
          Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role)
 QName SOAP12Constants.getVerMismatchFaultCodeQName()
          Obtain the Qname of VersionMismatch fault code
 QName SOAP12Constants.getMustunderstandFaultQName()
          Obtain the Qname of Mustunderstand fault code
 QName SOAP12Constants.getArrayType()
          Obtain the QName of the SOAP array type
 QName SOAP11Constants.getHeaderQName()
 QName SOAP11Constants.getBodyQName()
 QName SOAP11Constants.getFaultQName()
 QName SOAP11Constants.getRoleAttributeQName()
          Obtain the QName for the role attribute (actor/role)
 QName SOAP11Constants.getVerMismatchFaultCodeQName()
          Obtain the Qname of VersionMismatch fault code
 QName SOAP11Constants.getMustunderstandFaultQName()
          Obtain the Qname of Mustunderstand fault code
 QName SOAP11Constants.getArrayType()
          Obtain the QName of the SOAP array type

Uses of QName in org.apache.axis.utils

Methods in org.apache.axis.utils that return QName
static QName XMLUtils.getQNameFromString(java.lang.String str, org.w3c.dom.Node e)
          Return a QName when passed a string like "foo:bar" by mapping the "foo" prefix to a namespace in the context of the given Node.
static QName XMLUtils.getFullQNameFromString(java.lang.String str, org.w3c.dom.Node e)
          Return a QName when passed a string like "foo:bar" by mapping the "foo" prefix to a namespace in the context of the given Node.

Methods in org.apache.axis.utils with parameters of type QName
static java.lang.String XMLUtils.getStringForQName(QName qname, org.w3c.dom.Element e)
          Return a string for a particular QName, mapping a new prefix if necessary.
static org.w3c.dom.Node XMLUtils.findNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node, QName name)
          Find a Node with a given QName

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