Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeDesc

Uses of TypeDesc in org.apache.axis.description

Methods in org.apache.axis.description that return TypeDesc
static TypeDesc TypeDesc.getTypeDescForClass(java.lang.Class cls)
          Static function for centralizing access to type metadata for a given class.

Methods in org.apache.axis.description with parameters of type TypeDesc
static void TypeDesc.registerTypeDescForClass(java.lang.Class cls, TypeDesc td)
          Static function to explicitly register a type description for a given class.

Uses of TypeDesc in org.apache.axis.utils

Methods in org.apache.axis.utils with parameters of type TypeDesc
static BeanPropertyDescriptor[] BeanUtils.getPd(java.lang.Class javaType, TypeDesc typeDesc)
          Create a BeanPropertyDescriptor array for the indicated class.
static java.util.Vector BeanUtils.getBeanAttributes(java.lang.Class javaType, TypeDesc typeDesc)
          Return a list of properties in the bean which should be attributes
static BeanPropertyDescriptor[] BeanUtils.processPropertyDescriptors(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] rawPd, java.lang.Class cls, TypeDesc typeDesc)

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