Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceException

Uses of ServiceException in javax.xml.rpc

Methods in javax.xml.rpc that throw ServiceException
static ServiceFactory ServiceFactory.newInstance()
          Gets an instance of the ServiceFactory
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.createService( wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.createService(QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService(java.lang.Class class1)
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService( url, java.lang.Class class1, java.util.Properties properties)
abstract  Service ServiceFactory.loadService( url, QName qname, java.util.Properties properties)
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(QName portName, java.lang.Class serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(java.lang.Class serviceEndpointInterface)
          The getPort method returns either an instance of a generated stub implementation class or a dynamic proxy.
 Call[] Service.getCalls(QName portName)
          Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, QName operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, java.lang.String operationName)
          Creates a Call instance.
 Call Service.createCall()
          Creates a Call object not associated with specific operation or target service endpoint.
 java.util.Iterator Service.getPorts()
          Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service.

Uses of ServiceException in javax.xml.rpc.server

Methods in javax.xml.rpc.server that throw ServiceException
 void ServiceLifecycle.init(java.lang.Object context)
          Used for initialization of a service endpoint.

Uses of ServiceException in org.apache.axis.client

Methods in org.apache.axis.client that throw ServiceException
 Call Stub._createCall()
          Creates a call from the service.
 Service ServiceFactory.createService( wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
 Service ServiceFactory.createService(QName serviceName)
          Create a Service instance.
 Service ServiceFactory.loadService(java.lang.Class serviceInterface)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service interface, if available.
 Service ServiceFactory.loadService( wsdlDocumentLocation, java.lang.Class serviceInterface, java.util.Properties properties)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service interface, if available.
 Service ServiceFactory.loadService( wsdlDocumentLocation, QName serviceName, java.util.Properties properties)
          Create an instance of the generated service implementation class for a given service, if available.
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(QName portName, java.lang.Class proxyInterface)
          Return either an instance of a generated stub, if it can be found, or a dynamic proxy for the given proxy interface.
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(java.lang.Class proxyInterface)
          Return a dynamic proxy for the given proxy interface.
 java.rmi.Remote Service.getPort(java.lang.String endpoint, java.lang.Class proxyInterface)
          Return an object which acts as a dynamic proxy for the passed interface class.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName)
          Creates a new Call object - will prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, java.lang.String operationName)
          Creates a new Call object - will prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 Call Service.createCall(QName portName, QName operationName)
          Creates a new Call object - will prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 Call Service.createCall()
          Creates a new Call object with no prefilled data.
 Call[] Service.getCalls(QName portName)
          Gets an array of preconfigured Call objects for invoking operations on the specified port.
 java.util.Iterator Service.getPorts()
          Returns an Iterator for the list of QNames of service endpoints grouped by this service
 void Service.setTypeMappingRegistry(TypeMappingRegistry registry)
          Defines the current Type Mappig Registry.
 Call Service.getCall()
          Deprecated. please use Stub._getCall

Constructors in org.apache.axis.client that throw ServiceException
Service( wsdlDoc, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document pointed to by the wsdlDoc URL and serviceName parameters.
Service(org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser parser, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document
Service(java.lang.String wsdlLocation, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document pointed to by the wsdlLocation and serviceName parameters.
Service( wsdlInputStream, QName serviceName)
          Constructs a new Service object for the service in the WSDL document in the wsdlInputStream and serviceName parameters.
AdminClient(boolean ignored)
          this is a somwhat contrived variant constructor, one that throws an exception if things go wrong.

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