Figure 6-1 demonstrates Message Bridge creating a DataBean from a schema. A developer uses the DataBean to parse and construct the XML documents.
Figure 6-1: EAServer and Message Bridge
These steps correspond with the numbers in Figure 6-1.
Steps 1 through 3 are performed at design time. Steps 4 through 7 are performed at runtime.
Import a schema into Message Bridge and define your message.
Generate a DataBean.
Write an EJB component with a method that accepts an XML document and uses the DataBean for parsing it. Write a servlet that accepts an XML document.
EAServer accepts an HTTP request that contains an XML document.
EAServer invokes the servlet.
The servlet calls the EJB component method. The EJB component uses the DataBean to parse the XML document and perform business logic. The EJB component uses another DataBean to build an XML reply document and return the XML to the servlet.
The servlet returns the XML document in an HTTP response to the caller.
For more information see the Message Bridge for Java™ User’s Guide.
Also see the Message Bridge samples and tutorial in the Messagebridge subdirectory of your EAServer installation.
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